Android SDK installation
The purpose of this section is to guide you to install Android SDK in your development environment. Android SDK will enable the creation of an Android emulator that will be used by NativeScript as a target to deploy your App.
Latest version of Android SDK is 24.4.1.
Android SDK installation is mandatory if you want to target Android devices.
Navigate to the following URL :
Android SDK is bundled with Android Studio, The Official IDE for Android.
Installing Android Studio will also install Android SDK automatically.
Or you can download and install Android SDK without Android Studio.
Locate the Downloads Options button:
Download installer_r24.4.1-windows.exe file. Double-click on the downloaded file : installer_r24.4.1-windows.exe to start installation of SDK. Do a standard installation by clicking on next button at each step of the installation wizard.
When the installation wizard displays the window Choose Install Location, remember the proposed path. It should be something like:
C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk
Execution of this package installer is possible only if you have administrator privileges on your machine. This may not be the case if you are inside a company : check this point with your system administrator.
At the end of the installation, click on the Finish button. Android SDK Manager starts automatically.
If Android SDK Manager does not start, open it manually : All Apps -> Android SDK Tools -> Android SDK Manager
At the bottom of the Android SDK Manager, click on the button Install N packages (N should be around 12).
In the Window Choose Packages to Install, click on the Install button.
Maybe at the end of the installation process, Android SDK Manager will propose you to install additional packages as shown in the following screen snapshot:
Click on the Install button to install suggested packages.
Install Android Support Repository
You should install two additionnal packages:
- Android Support Repository
- Google Repository
Select those two packages under the Extras folder.
Install version 22, 23 and 24 of Android Tools
You should install the version 22, 23 and 24 of the Android SDK Build-tool.
Select all versions from version 22 up tp 24 in the Tools folder.
Install version 23 and 24 of Android SDK
You should install the version 23 and 24 of the Android SDK. Select the following folders:
- Android 7.0 (API 24);
- Android 6.0 (API 23).
Check the ANDROID_HOME path
The path of the Android SDK installation folder is shown at the top of the Android SDK Manager window. To open the Android SDK Manager go to All Apps->Android SDK Tools-> SDK Manager.
The path shown in the Android SDK Tools should match the ANDROID_HOME environment variables: